👋 Hi, I’m Jonathan!

Growing up I wasn’t good at sports and so I convinced myself that I wasn’t naturally athletic, a story that stuck with me into adulthood. All that changed in 2001 when a friend took me to a yoga class in a room heated to 95 degrees. It was like nothing else I’d ever experienced. I left the class sweaty, full of endorphins, and—more importantly—for the first time in my life I finally understood that I could move my body in ways that made me feel strong, capable, and at peace with who I am.

We all have crap from our past that clouds our present. My job is to help you use yoga to move through that clutter so you can make the best choices now that your future self with than you for. Today, I work with students one-on-one online and in person around the world as a yoga teacher and empowerment coach. And I co-lead yoga teacher trainings and mentoring programs to help new teachers grow and flourish. Here’s what students say about me.

Before I started teaching yoga I was a fundraiser for universities and regional non-profits to help make the world a better place. Eventually, I wanted to more directly impact people’s lives and I transitioned to teaching yoga.

Yoga propelled my search for a deeper meaning and richness in life and I have studied meditation, breathwork, Buddhism, as well as the ancient yogic philosophies. Yoga has taught me slow down and bask in the present moment. When life throws curveballs, feels unbelievably hard, and I feel like I can’t take it any more, yoga is there to remind me that the discomfort is temporary. Yoga teaches us that we can emerge from hardship stronger, more resilient, and more in touch with our authentic selves. As a full time registered, certified yoga teacher I help students uncover that same wholeheartedness for themselves too.

My teaching centers on helping you understand yoga asana (poses) by exploring how they work in each your unique body. With coaching clients we move beyond the poses to explore yoga’s philosophical framework, breathwork, and other tools for living a more meaningful life.

I work with students online around the world (and in-person in the Washington, DC area) and would love to support your yoga journey on and off the mat.

Off the yoga mat you can find me hiking in the wood or frolicking on the beach with Tucker, my yellow Lab. When I take time off from work I am often sailing, reading, cooking, and laughing with friends over dinner. I studied art and art history in college and continue to paint, focusing on landscapes of the farmland around the mid-Atlantic and the marshes where I grew up on Cape Cod.