How I Became a Yogi

Note: This post was written by one of my students. It started as an online review but then she kept writing and asked if she could publish this on my website to encourage others to try one-on-one yoga sessions. She asked that I not use her name.

I have always found the idea of joining a public yoga class quite intimidating—partly because I’m a bit shy, but also because my body weighs 305 pounds. The fear of judgment and the feeling of being out of place at a gym or yoga studio were significant barriers for me so for 20+ years I never tried yoga. When I met Jonathan all that changed and I decided to explore private yoga sessions.

One of the primary reasons I opted for private sessions is the comfort and privacy it offers. Jonathan comes to my house each week. Being in the familiar environment of my home allows me to focus on my practice without the worry that others are watching or judging the way I move my body. This has been crucial for building my confidence and creating a positive association with yoga.

Working one-on-one with a private yoga teacher has also allowed me to have personalized sessions tailored to my specific needs and abilities. Jonathan understands my physical limitations and adapts the practice accordingly—he also builds up my strengths. This individualized attention has been instrumental in preventing injuries and ensuring that I progress at a pace that is comfortable for me.

Consistency has been key in my journey. We meet once a week and now I am often doing yoga 2 or 3 times a week on my own. I have seen a noticeable improvement in my flexibility, energy, and overall mobility. The gradual progress has been encouraging and has positively impacted my daily life.

Yoga has become more than just a physical practice for me. It has helped me cultivate a positive mindset, develop a deeper connection with my body, and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Now I don’t mind telling people that I am a yogi. The mindfulness and relaxation techniques Jonathan incorporates into our sessions have contributed to stress reduction and an overall sense of well-being.

In summary, private yoga sessions at home have given me with a safe and supportive space to embark on my wellness journey. (Plus, I don’t have to drive anywhere and waste time in traffic or looking for parking!)


Ayurveda: Yoga's Sister Science for Holistic Wellnes


Yoga: A Holistic Approach to Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Well-Being